Niveau d'étude visé
BAC +5
120 crédits
4 semestres
INSA Hauts-de-France, UPHF
Langue(s) d'enseignement
The Information Technology for Smart and Sustainable mobility (IT4SSM) program offers a unique combination of European courses in the Information Technology domain for the areas of smart technologies dedicated to smart cities applications with a specific attention to the sustainability of the designed solutions. This Computer Science Master program aims to provide knowledge and practical training as ITs in the new context of intelligent mobility while considering current issues of ethics and sustainable development. Smart mobility requires expertise in new techniques and technologies (Internet of Things, distributed data management, security of exchanges, etc.) and skills for the analysis, design and development of new algorithms and software for decision support in smart cities.
This Master’s degree is the very first program to be offered in the framework of the EUNICE European University alliance.
This program includes courses taught by four of the alliance's European partners, enabling students to benefit from their respective expertise.
Courses are provided by :
• Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (France)
• University of Cantabria (Spain)
• Poznan University of Technology (Poland)
• University of Vaasa (Finland)
Courses taught in English (B2 level required)
Course location (FI and FA) Initial training / Continuing Education :
- Campus Le Mont Houy Valenciennes (France)
- University of Cantabria (Spain) (to be confirmed)
Savoir-faire et compétences
Skills and competencies :
Targeted skills:
- Design, develop and deploy software solutions for sustainable mobility taking into account the legislative context and an ethical perspective;
- Create and produce smart solutions for resilient sustainable mobility
- Design, implement and deploy secure, sustainable and resilient communication networks and services in the mobility context
- Manage project and teams in the smart, sustainable mobility context
- Contribute to solutions and work as part of a professional team in the context of intelligent, sustainable mobility.
- Communicate with foreign teams and clients in the context of smart and sustainable mobility projects
- Cultural openness and general culture
Program :
The content of the master IT4SSM covers different IT topics for the development of sustainable and mobile applications.
The aim is to train the student in decision making :
- based on data, from IoT, embedded and distributed devices, ...
- with security considerations
- assisted by ethical, human-centered AI (ML, agent, ...) and Operational Research (optimization, problem solving) methods and tools (modeling & simulation of the services, digital twin)
- with human (HCI, VR, personalization, citizen participation) and environmental (sustainability, impact study) approaches,
- with legal and business considerations
- applied in the mobility domain (urban services part)
The program includes courses taught by four of the alliance's European partners, enabling students to benefit from their respective expertise.
Courses are provided by :
- Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France (INSA-UPHF)
- University of Cantabria, Spain (UC)
- Poznan University of Technology, Poland (PUT)
- University of Vaasa, Finland (UVA)
Distance learning : Hybrid mode (face to face for some courses and distance learning for others)
Liste des principaux enseignements
Main courses :
- Data engineering : agent-based modeling and simulation for sustainable and mobile application
- Edge and mobile computing for sustainability
- Traffic and transportation modeling
- Environmental, social & economic impact of mobility solutions
- Internet of Things, services and applications
- Machine learning
- Human Computer Interaction for sustainable and mobile application
- Network security
- Smart mobility: ethics and legal issues, transport engineering and spatial development
Sélectionnez un programme
First year
Smart mobility: Ethics and Legal Issues, Transport Engineering and spatial development
4 créditsHuman Computer Interaction for sustainable and mobile application
4 créditsEdge & Mobile Computing for sustainability
4 créditsStochastic Processes/Queueing Systems : Modeling and Algorithms
4 créditsComputer Networks
4 créditsMLVE : Foreign Language course
4 créditsMP : Sustainable mobility (EUNICE shared course)
4 créditsMO : Opening course
2 crédits
Data engineering for sustainable and mobile application
4 créditsTraffic and transportation modeling
4 créditsOptimization fundamentals
4 créditsCryptography fundamentals
4 créditsNetwork security
4 créditsMLVE : Foreign Language course
4 créditsMP : Machine Learning (EUNICE shared course)
4 créditsMO : Opening course
2 crédits
Second year
Environmental, social & economic impact of mobility solutions
4 créditsAgent-based modeling and simulation
4 créditsGame Theory Fundamentals
4 créditsInternet of Things, Services and Applications
4 créditsSecurity management
4 créditsMLVE: Foreign Language course
4 créditsMP: Statistics & Data mining (EUNICE shared course)
4 créditsMO: Opening course
2 crédits
10 créditsInternship mobility
20 crédits
Conditions d'admission
For the first year - Master 1 : open to students with Bachelor degree in computer science (after a licence / bachelor), or another engineering or technology specialty that fulfills the following requirements. Design and programming skills in C or equivalent, and highly desirable in Java or equivalent object oriented language.
At least B2 level; equivalent skills in English (ability to attend courses delivered in English).
Application procedure :
Application is based on a registration file including previous diploma scores, and possible interview.
To apply :
• European students : - Master 1 : Mon master
- Master 2 : Ecandidat
• Non European students : Etudes en France
When the required diploma is not available, possibility of validating (fully or partially) equivalent diploma (VAPP or professionnal skills (VAE).
Contact : formation.continue @
Droits de scolarité
Études et handicap
Pour les étudiants en situation de handicap vous pouvez prendre contact avec le relais handicap - Plus d'informations ici
Et après
Finalité Master
- Professionnel
- Recherche
Poursuite d'études
Further studies :
Graduates can go into research, preparing a PhD thesis in a company or research laboratory in computer science.
Insertion professionnelle
Professional integration :
- Graduates of this specialization will have the opportunity to work in the public institutions and companies interested in sustainability issues.
- They will be able to occupy positions as software and data engineer, system integrator, mobility manager.
Intitulés métiers visés
Targeted job titles :
- Software and data engineer: Design, implementation and deployment of sustainable and
resilient services for smart mobility. Data analyst.
- System integrator: Engineer offering turnkey solutions integrating ICT leveraging on AI/ML
and optimization techniques applied to the urban context.
- Mobility manager: Professional offering sustainable smart solutions conciliating legal,
social, ethical and business components.
The graduates may apply for research programs.